Does TimeIPS have benefits tracking capabilities? |
Yes. TimeIPS includes the ability for extensive benefits tracking capability that includes accruals for such items as sick and vacation time based on time worked. In addition, an advanced Benefits Tracking Module is available to additional benefit types and tenure levels.
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What kinds of accruals can TimeIPS provide? How many tenure levels?
TimeIPS can provide automatic benefit accruals for sick, vacation, PTO and/or as many additional custom benefit types as needed.
Each benefit type can be designated as paid or unpaid.
Benefit types can accrue based on the passing of calendar time, or completion of worked time.
Each benefit type can be set to count as worked time for the calculation and accrual of other benefits.
TimeIPS supports unlimited tenure levels as are needed can be created.
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Can TimeIPS provide different accruals and benefits for groups of employees? |
If different classes of employees have different rules, waiting periods, accrual rates, caps, accrual periods, etc., then Accrual Groups can be created with specific rules for each.
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Can TimeIPS restrict benefit use to specified amounts, quantities, etc? |
Yes. TimeIPS allows each benefit type in each accrual group to have customized settings to limit the use of benefits below the earned levels, require use in fixed increments, such as 4 or 8 hours (half day or full day)
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How do holidays work in TimeIPS? How does holiday automation work? |
TimeIPS includes a powerful holiday automation engine that allows holidays to be created with complex observance rules. Each holiday for each group, for each observance can have holiday pay, and/or can designate that work done on the holiday be paid in special ways, including differential pay, overtime/doubletime pay, etc.
In addition, Holiday Groups allow providing different holidays to selected employees, and the way each holiday applies to each employee can be manually approved/unapproved, waiting periods waived, adjacent days waived, or otherwise adjusted in any way needed.