Milestones Our Story

Developers at Stratitec create TimeIPS software for internal use in the business.
TimeIPS version 1.0 launches to the public. Hundreds of customers are soon using TimeIPS.
TimeIPS enhances and expands offerings with validation and telephone clocking.
TimeIPS separates from Stratitec and becomes an independent business entity.
TimeIPS introduces dedicated solid state clocks.
TimeIPS begins to offer cloud-based services.
Over 10,000 units of TimeIPS servers and clocks shipped to thousands of customers.
TimeIPS releases version 2.0 with enhanced features in reporting, integration, security and more.
TimeIPS releases a series of updated versions, including 2.5 with enhanced scaleability, options, reporting and features.
TimeIPS updates to version 3.0 with improved scaleability, options, reporting and features.
TimeIPS releases version 3.1 with an improved piecework system, improved xml reporting, improved internal searching, custom fields and more.
TimeIPS version 3.2 improves the user interface, upgrades benefits tracking, improves reporting and adds numerous special features.
In 2003, we needed a way to automate the time, attendance and job costing needs of our growing manufacturing and distribution business. We went in search of a real-time, automated time & attendance solution with the following list: ...
< story continued >
Our Mission
To provide our customers with the tools they need to accurately and effectively track the time and attendance of their employees.
Our Team
The TimeIPS team consists of technical support, software development, documentation, sales, service, and production. The entire team is located in the heart of the United States, providing technical support Monday through Friday 9am-5pm CST.
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